Walking with rifle slung over shoulder, right hand holding sling by shoulder, left arm dropped.
- Headwear (1, 2, 12, 13)
- Tunic (2, 12), with 2 pockets on lower breast
- Trousers and puttees as usual
- Rifle (14) - no bayonet fitted
- Backpack with tent section and greatcoat rolled round (1, 2)
- 2 braces from the front of the belt supporting the pack (1, 2, 12)
- Waist belt with 6 ammunition pouches (1, 12)
- Haversack across body over left shoulder (1, 2, 3, 12)
- Bayonet scabbard on left hip (2, 12), with bayonet in it
- Water bottle (2)